Good Times

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Cloud Nine

Cloud nine, what a wonderful feeling. Such relief. So thrilled, I got the job!! Let me repeat, I got the job! I am now officially the Reading Intervention Specialist for Jackson Hole Middle School.WHOHOO!! Nick and I both were so excited we were doing cartwheels in the lawn. Widespread Panic is coming in two weeks to play at The Spud!! Kari's and I best friend from high school is driving in from Arizona with his wife to see the show. What a grand fourth of July this will be.

Judy is coming to town next Wednesday for a week and I am so excited. I have a super busy weekend all mapped out to keep us all busy. We rented a cabin in Yellowstone to stay the night. The cabin is on the Grand Canyon side of the park, not on Yellowstone Lake like when I took my wonderful grandparents. But it still will be beautiful. You can bet there will be many pictures to follow!

The pictures posted above are from Ski Lake, a new spot Nick and I found this morning. 6 miles round trip and a pretty mellow hike, but once you get to the top there is a hidden lake and the dogs had a field day. It was sunny and warm, but once we got home the storm stated blowing in. I had a horrible dream last night that Tuaca got attacked by a grizzly so today I got out the bear bells for the dogs collars and made Nick take TWO cans of bear spray with us. The hike was wonderful, I am so surprised I have never been there before. The valley blows me away every summer with it's simple beauty. And every summer I keep discovering new spots. I love this place. Paradise.

Until next time...

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Ok, my interview for this afternoon was moved to Friday at 1:00. But, the interview yesterday was a hit! I felt really good about it and at the end the principal told me I was a top candidate! I really hope out of the two I am given an offer. Although I found out today there is only one other candidate, an English teacher I work with. So if I don't get offered the English position at the high school, than I have a 50/50 shot to get an offer from the middle school. So I am feeling good about the whole thing.
My first race is this Sat in Rexburg. First 10K! I am so excited, not to run super fast but to complete the race with my girlfriends. Plus, Nick is going down also for support and he is going to take tons of pictures. I will post them afterwards.
The weather has been super wet and raining here. I wish the sun would come out for more than 20 minutes. I would like to take the bikes out, go on a hike, go camping, and get a tan! Plus I don't like running in the rain nearly as much as a beautiful sunny day. Sun-come out come out where ever you are!!
Until next time,

Monday, June 7, 2010

The pressure! Oh, the pressure!!

I know I know, it has been too long since I have last updated my blog. Well, my mind is fully occupied with work and my interviews. I have two interviews this week, one at the middle school and one at the high school tomorrow morning. Yikes! Also, I just found out that an English teacher here at the middle school is applying for the RtI position!! Arg! So my nerves are a little on edge due to the fact that she has worked here forever and will be my strongest competition. Jill, my partner, keeps telling me to go in there with confidence and own this job. I started the build-up with this program this year-it is my baby! I just have to get the job. I just have to. I saw this amazing rainbow driving home from work last week. I pulled over to take this picture because it was so striking. I looked out the window and my jaw dropped to the floor. I feel like it was a sign for good things to come. I have eaten my nails down to the bone and chewed off all the skin on my lips from anxiety. Yikes! Oh the stress, only 4 more days till summertime and no more classes. If I can only make it to then-and not fall over from stress. In four days all this waiting should be over...I'll now if I have a contract in four days. Four more days to hurry up and wait. Then in five days I can relieve all of the stress I have harbored and run my first 10 K foot race!!
Wish me luck-send me prayers-until next time,