Good Times

Monday, July 19, 2010

We keep on going..and going..and going....

On Friday Nick was able to take a half day of work because he is working 4 nine hour days.
So, we took full advantage and loaded the boys up in search for a great swimming hole. Mission accomplished! We found a sweet spot totally secluded and in the most beautiful location. It was very relaxing and the dogs had such fun. Afterwards, we headed down to the Knotty Pine for a little dinner and sunshine.

Saturday morning

was my second 10K race, this time it was here locally in Driggs. The Tin Cup Challenge. Man what a blast, and super hot! I finished and never stopped running! Next on the horizon is the Mesa Falls half marathon. YIKES!

After the race Nick and I loaded up the gear and the dogs and heading into North Leigh canyon for an overnight camp. We staked out a spot earlier in the week, but when we got there the spot was taken by horse trailers and other campers. So we drove around and found a great spot near Tin Cup creek that was beautiful. After setting up camp, Julie and Reagan, Stephanie, Eric and Dex all joined us for BBQ and Smores. Good times had by all.

After a beautiful night sleeping under the stars Nick and I woke up for a hike into North Leigh canyon to Green Mountain Lakes. Elevation gain 2,040 feet in four miles! It was a challenging hike for me to say the least, but we made it a success! The dogs were happy to get to the lake and swim their little tail feathers off. I tried to get into the water, but it was freezing! I Should have known better! Nick and I took a lunch break while the dogs swam. Nick wanted to go further to Granite Basin Lakes but I talked him out of it. It was another 2 miles and 1,000 feet elevation and I wasn't sure I could hack it.
Luckily, he agreed. The walk was beautiful through fields and meadows of exploding wildflowers.

All in all the weekend was amazing, as every weekend in the summer should be. I am super sore and tired this fine Monday morning. I will have a few days rest and then Nick's parents arrive this Thursday. I am looking forward to it their visit, we always have fun when they are here. I guess that wraps up our weekend,
until next time..

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Gone But Not Forgotten

Death is a real and crazy thing. My Dad passed away this past January and I am still in disbelief. He wasn't supposed to go this way. And every day at some point in the day I think of him, and the fact that he is gone, and the fact that I can never pick up a phone to call him on our ritualistic Sat calls. More than anything I get to thinking when I think of him, about my own mortality. The fact is we will all go at some point- and I hope and pray I will get to live a long and healthy life with my husband, but I can't help but wonder what does it all mean? Where do we go? Will we be reunited in the end? Now I know I am not the only one who feels this way-but really. What does it all mean? Today driving home from work I started thinking about my life path and literally got chills thinking about how grateful and blessed my life has become. My husband is my best friend, my dream job has arrived, my backyard is a paradise to play in year round, but I keep thinking about my Dad and how he got jipped and it pisses me off. I just know how special every waking moment is, how special every family and all the friends I have are, and how lucky I am to have chosen a life best suited for making me happy. I remember when I flew home to Dallas while dating Nick to go to a job fair and was hired on the spot. I remember thinking geez, Jackson Hole won't return my calls and Dallas hired me on the spot!? What is the deal? I knew I wanted to teach. I knew I wasn't found alive in the Smokey Mountains for just any ole reason- I had a purpose. But what was my purpose, my life path? When I came home to Teton Valley and I told Nick my plans for moving home home he said," I don't want to tell you what to do, but if you stayed here with me we could really give it a go." Then I was deciding what was more important: career or true love? That may sound cheesy, but the very first moment I laid eyes on Nick I truly knew he was the one. I told Kari, Steph, and Julie that same night. My choice was clear.
But still I drive home at night looking at the amazing sky filled with sparkling diamonds and wonder what is my Dad up to? Is he watching over me? Does he know I got the job he always told me I would get if I just hang in there? Will he see his grand kids? That part burns the most. My kids will never meet my Dad. It crushes me and it really pisses me off. Why? Why Dad? Why then? Grrr. I want answers but I know life will never answer those questions. I just have to believe that Dad watches over me and knows all that happens. I am sure he is flinching every time I get on my dirtbike and go raise some hell up a steep mountain trail. I just have to believe he knows I am happy to my very core.

Death freaks me out. I am about to turn 33 and I figure with my grandmothers genes I probably have max 60 years left. 60 years and then what? I am not too sure I am ready to leave this life in 60 years. Will I remember my life after I am gone?
Have you ever been scared of Death or am I just a freak?

Anyway-here is to my Dad. I am thinking of you always and miss the CRAP out of you already. P.S. I got the JOB!!! (But I am sure you already knew that.)

Welcome to the Fast Lane

In the words of my teammate when I got my new job-"Welcome to the fast lane!" Boy oh boy was she correct on that one. Since I wrote last I have been busy busy! Judy's visit was a complete success, we went to Mesa falls, Yellowstone,Grand Targhee, Jackson, on hikes, shopping, and to great restaurants. We also cooked at home, went on walks around the house, and I even had to work one night so she was able to have a down day.
The day she left my old friend from high school came to town with his wife for the Widespread Panic show at the Drive-in movie theater down the street from my house. It was a great July 4Th. We filled every waking second with activities. Took them up to the wind caves, and then to the God Bless America festival on the 3rd. On the fourth we went up to Targhee and rode the chair lift, before the concert. The concert was a mega blast. WE all had such fun. The next week I made it in the newspaper! It was a riot.
Once Bart left on Monday Nick and I were so exhausted from the past two weeks, we ordered a pizza and a movie and never left the house. It was great and well needed day of rest. This past weekend we climbed up Taylor Mountain on Sat which was a steep hike that took about 6 hours round trip. Then Sunday we went on a killer dirt bike ride to packsaddle and everyone jumped off the rope swing. It was such a blast.
I am working at the Million Dollar Cowboy Steakhouse two nights a week for extra money during the summer. They called me back for the summer and I accepted. Pretty cool. I am still working on my classes for my Masters, they started back up July 1st. I am hoping to be done with all of the classes come December. Then I can just work on my Thesis. Life is great, it is flying by so quickly I can hardly believe it. I guess it is true about what they say-Time flies when you are having fun. I am sorry this post is such a broad summary, but I think you get the gist. Once again I will try to update more often!
Until next time...