Good Times

Friday, March 18, 2011

I'm Back!

After a FIVE week hiatus from running due to my knee, I went running yesterday and it felt amazing! The night before I awoke with aching in my legs so severe I couldn't sleep. I knew the time to sit idle was no more! I had to get outside, get my endorphins and my vitamin D. Boy oh boy was it an uplifting run. I was planning to run 3 or 4, but ended up running 7! Hooray!

Also, I am two classes and one thesis paper away from graduating!!!

Things in Teton valley have been pretty calm lately.I guess no news is good news. Nick and I have been cross-country skiing our butts off. Teton Canyon, Darby, and today Nick (with his new found freedom during the days) went to TNP to tour around on his cross-country skies. I told him to remember to bring his camera and take tons of hopefully I will post later.

Sunday is the Darby Dash in Alta. It is a dog race, where the owners harness their dogs to their chest while on cross country skis and race around a plowed track. I cannot wait. I think it will be so fun, weather permitting. Rumor has it that the valley is expecting tons of snow Sat night and if this is the case, then Targhee will trump the dog races. I look forward to posting pictures from either event that day.

Looking forward to running tons this summer. Jackson Hole Health and Fitness is starting a running club to train for The Jackson Hole half marathon, which I think I am going to join just to meet new runners. I would love to complete a full marathon this summer.

Spring break is five days away and I am itching for some good weather. I m also very curious to see if any of the 30 tulips I planted will come up. I love our flower beds. This summer I want Nick to build a small, but managable green house for me and my tomatoes!

We have such LONG winters here that I am so ready for Spring or better yet Summer! Summer makes me think of flip-flips, shorts, sunburn, the smell of fresh cut grass, the sounds of sprinklers hitting the lawn, the tons and tons of live outdoor music, the campfires and Smore's, the fire pit roaring under the milky way, the long lazy floats in a canoe (can't wait to buy a canoe this year) down the mighty Teton River, the mountain climbing (Nick wants to summit The Grand this Summer...YIKES!) and best of all NO SCHOOL!!!!!!!!! Yippie!

Until next time...