Good Times

Monday, March 11, 2013

Rope mania!

Howdy folks. I know I's been a while since I last posted, but I haven't really had too much excitement to post about. That is, until today!
Starting Crossfit is like anything else you would start for the first the suck at everything. So, when I started I made a list of things to work on, goals, and moves I want to master. For example, I have been really pushing for a kipping pull-up unassisted. It is tough! I've gotten better, but my chin is still about four inches away from that dang ole bar! Arghh!
That's ok though, because I am a goal setter. Not sure when this happened, but some point in my life I changed into this dedicated goal setter. I set a goal and do not stop until I have achieved it, and Crossfit is perfect for setting goals.
In the beginning, I couldn't do squat! Fast forward only 7 weeks and I climbed the rope today 5 times, and the last one I made it to the very top and touched the ceiling! I couldn't believe it! I watched the girls on the Crossfit videos and just wished I could do what those amazing girls were doing. I felt it was so unrealistic, so far off, something only hardcore girls were able to do, until today! Boom!
Crossfit is so freaking addictive. Every time you achieve something, there are ten more things to practice, achieve and master. Like the damn double-unders, my dreaded activity! I can do one or two in a row, but that is it! Then, I'm a fumbling idiot after that. I haven't mastered the wrist movements, but that's ok...double-unders are on the list. Along with pull-up, toe to bar, muscle-up, 24" box jump, hand-stand push-ups, ect. I'm just chipping away my friends...I'm just chipping away...bit by bit.
Until next time...

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